cover image: HUMAN SERVICES AND EDUCATION INTRODUCTION  NACo American County Platform and Resolutions 2023-2024

HUMAN SERVICES AND EDUCATION INTRODUCTION NACo American County Platform and Resolutions 2023-2024

18 Jan 2024

NACo urges the federal government to assist states and counties by funding in- depth needs assessments to determine the real needs of the elderly in their community and the adequacy of existing services and gaps in delivery. [...] National and Community Service: The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and the programs it funds such as VISTA, Foster Grandparents, AmeriCorps and Senior Corps help youth and senior citizens become involved in the community and provide volunteer services to millions of Americans. [...] Unaccompanied Children Crossing the Border: NACo calls on the Administration and Congress to ensure that adequate federal funds are appropriated to shelter and provide care, including medical assistance, to unaccompanied children crossing the border and to ensure that the costs of the care provided to these children are not transferred to counties. [...] NACo urges Congress to substantially amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to grant greater local flexibility in the use of student achievement measures, the design of interventions for schools not making Adequate Yearly Progress and to address the individual needs of students with disabilities and students of English as a Second Language. [...] Additionally, the Office would work with counties and other local entities to improve access to workforce development programs, social services and education, by ensuring that such programs meet the demand and the unique language, training and credentialing needs of immigrants and refugees.


Eryn Hurley

Published in
United States of America