cover image: RCGP Response to the Role of Incentive Schemes in General Practice


RCGP Response to the Role of Incentive Schemes in General Practice


However, we recognise that there is likely to be a continued role for incentives schemes within general practice in some form. [...] The majority of respondents to our survey believe that relative improvement targets would be more effective than absolute targets at delivering improvements in care quality while also addressing health inequalities and the College supports this proposal. [...] Projects to improve patient care for those with multi-morbidities for example, could be a better example of the type of QI indicators that would improve quality of care. [...] Do you agree or disagree that there is a role for incentive schemes to focus on helping to reduce pressures on other parts of the health system? [...] Neither agree nor disagree The RCGP believes that there may be a role of incentives to focus on reducing pressures on other parts of the system but that this must be considered within the context of addressing the workload and workforce crisis within general practice itself and ensuring sufficient funding for general practice. [...] This is an important area of focus and any additional funding and support for general practice to provide care in the community is welcomed. [...] There is a need for better guidance around managing an increasingly complex population, and the RCGP considers that this should also be reflected within incentives schemes. The majority of GP respondents to our survey agreed with the above statement. [...] On this basis, we would suggest that any efforts to support or improve continuity should be quality improvement based and properly resourced as a core role of general practice. [...] The majority of GP respondents to our survey agreed that there could be a role of incentive schemes in improving the effectiveness of prescribing, with 76.7% saying this could help to reduce over-prescribing and 68.4% saying this could promote more environmentally sustainable prescribing. [...] Any incentive schemes in general practice should be reviewed regularly to ensure that indicators are evidence-based and continue to be effective in promoting the highest quality patient care in a way that also meets the needs for GPs.
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United Kingdom