In 2023, the hospital treated 676 inpatients, who ranged in age from 14 - 96. [...] This program treats the many complex effects of Brain Injury, such as diffculty walking, communicating, eating and dressing, limitations in memory and thinking skills, and social, emotional, and cognitive disorders. Patients beneft from access to the latest technology and equipment, advanced therapies, a highly skilled and specialized team of clincians,, and intensive and comprehensive tre [...] 1 The severity of BI cases treated at HHH are higher than the nation and region. [...] Many of the patients may need further rehab at a skilled nursing facility or transitional program before returning home. [...] 2 The CMI is a measure of the medical complexity of a patient. [...] HHH has always admitted more medically complicated and complex patients than the region and the nation. [...] Measuring up: Helen Hayes Hospital participates in the following nationally recognized databases that allow us to compare our patient outcomes against other facilities, both regionally and nationally: eRehabData – measures the patient’s functional gains during their acute rehabilitation hospitalization Press Ganey – measures and tracks patient satisfaction with hospital facilities, programs, [...] Inpatient Admission Referral Center 845-786-4535 1-888-70-REHAB ext 4535 Tours are provided Monday through Friday By appointment: 845-786-4118 Outpatient Appointments 845-786-4194 One of the country’s very frst specialty physical rehabilitation facilities. Our interdisciplinary team approach to rehabilitation and depth of medical, nursing, and therapeutic care, paired with the most cutting-ed [...] All patients receive a minimum of three hours of therapy daily, allowing them to make functional gains at an accelerated rate. [...] I wish the world could know the wonderful things that are happening on the fourth foor of Helen Hayes Hospital.
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