q Using multidimensional approach in measuring poverty is a means to capture the complexity of poverty that considers dimensions of wellbeing beyond just monetary poverty. [...] q The main advantage of using 2022 LPHC data in the estimation of non- monetary poverty is that the deprivation measure can be calculated for every household and can be disaggregated by population sub-groups. 2022 LPHC | THEMATIC REPORT | Non-monetary Poverty Introduction: Background and Context4 q Non-monetary poverty means poverty not measured by income or consumption, but by other dimensions [...] MPI estimates for Liberia in 2018 using indicators from the 2013 Liberia Demographic and Health Survey, have been used at the latter stages of the report to analyze trend in MPI.2022 LPHC | THEMATIC REPORT | Non-monetary Poverty Dimensions of Poverty Selected q The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategi [...] the household is not connected to the national grid nor use own generator) The household has an earth, mud or dung floor Dimensions, indicators and deprivation cut-offs 62022 LPHC | THEMATIC REPORT | Non-monetary Poverty Education as a Poverty Dimension q Studies have shown that education has a large impact on a country’s poverty level (Bakhtiari & Meisami, 2010) and that investing in educati [...] 382022 LPHC | THEMATIC REPORT | Non-monetary Poverty Policy Implications & Recommendations q The largest contributor to multidimensional poverty is the living condition dimension. [...] q The gap between the urban and rural localities in terms of the level of deprivation is wide and needs to be looked at. [...] q The inverse relationship between education attainment and level of poverty implies policies should be made to make it easy for people to progress on the education ladder. [...] 392022 LPHC | THEMATIC REPORT | Non-monetary Poverty Usefulness of the Data q Guide and influence national and sub-national budgets. Recommendations include using information on multidimensional poverty to broadly inform budgetary decisions to directly integrate multidimensional poverty into the budget allocation formulae. [...] q Engender the broad targeting of geographic areas and groups in poverty based on a multidimensional poverty measure by locality of residence (urban/rural) and county. [...] Deprivations in the indicators are sufficient to highlight the multiple deprivations people in poverty face in the localities and counties of residence.
- Pages
- 41
- Published in
- Liberia