cover image: Health Science Center (Hsc)

Health Science Center (Hsc)


Yes No Do the HSC entrance doors need to be unlocked? [...] Yes No If yes, what time should the doors be unlocked?______________ By checking yes for Saturday or Sunday events, our department agrees to pay a $50.00 charge per day to have the HSC doors unlocked/locked if there is no custodian scheduled that day. 7. [...] Do the HSC room(s) need to be unlocked? [...] Are you interested in the option to contact a tech person if the need should arise? Please note this option is not available on Sundays. Yes No If no is checked, there will not be anyone to contact during the event. [...] If yes is checked, Nicole will confirm if a tech person is available for the requested date and time. [...] By checking yes, our department agrees to pay an additional $50 per each 30 minutes if the tech person is contacted for tech support. [...] Yes No By checking yes, our department agrees to pay a $100/hour for the tech person to be physically in the building. 12. [...] Our department agrees to pay a $50.00 custodial charge per day for our special event being held on Saturday or Sunday when there is no custodian scheduled in the HSC. [...] Liability The LMHSC reserves the right to inspect and control all private functions. Liability for damage to the premises will be charged accordingly. [...] The LMHSC cannot assume responsibility for personal property and equipment brought on the premises. Patron may be required to provide a one million dollar ($1,000,000) insurance policy naming the LMHSC as an additional insured.
Published in
United States of America