cover image: Hospitals must always provide a safe working environment – especially in Covid-19 pandemic context.

Hospitals must always provide a safe working environment – especially in Covid-19 pandemic context.

21 Mar 2020

At the very least, our pool of emergency providers must be preserved – depending on the anticipated severity of the pandemic, the pool may need to be expanded. [...] The Collaborative Working Group on the Future of Emergency Medicine in Canada identified that by 2020, that there would be an estimated shortfall of 1071 emergency physicians. [...] It is incumbent on hospitals to provide a safe working environment at all times and especially in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. [...] Those with chronic medical conditions or immunocompromised Depending on the local circumstances, the risk of these physicians should be considered in work assignments while balancing against the overall department status and risk. [...] Nevertheless, the department should be sensitive to the physical impact of pregnancy on a physician’s work status.


alan drummond

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