Employees' Benefits


Employees' Benefits

18 Jul 1997

These final rules amend our regulations to delete references to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) and to the Secretary to read the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Commissioner, respectively. These final rules revise specific titles used by SSA internally. These final rules also standardize the name of the Department of Health and Human Services' Departmental Appeals Board and make technical changes in legal citations and renumber sections. The Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act (SSIPIA) of 1994 established SSA as an independent agency in the executive branch of the United States Government effective March 31, 1995 and vested general regulatory authority in the Commissioner of Social Security. These regulations recognize the Commissioner of Social Security as the designated head of the agency.
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United States of America